Monday, April 20, 2009

first post/yeti has gained control of my blog

OK here's the moment you've all been waiting for! (by that i mean my one humble follower... billy) Anyways, let me get to the point my lowly peasants and peons and potential piles. I figured I'd start this blog, PILING WITH PROS, with pictures of the one and only mythical snowbeast YETI, or as I like to call her, Yeticus Maximus XIII, esq.I 'll update this thing a bunch now, and will upload tens of thousands of crappy highlife-livin photos of my friends and me. Basically, that means I'll show you a bunch of photos you probably wish you hadn't looked at, and you'll think a little less of me. But hey, i have no decency or dignity anyways. On with the show!

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