Tuesday, April 28, 2009

EXTRA EXTRA!! Duck Molestors Running Rampant!

Apparently there's been an outbreak of duck molestors. I mean, who could resist -- those perfectly supple breasts, gorgeous sleek feathers that shimmer in the afternoon sunlight, those "fuck me eyes" that shine like opals from miles away. Ok ok you get the point; ducks are beautiful birds. But that's it people! They're birds. We must not molest non-human entities, no matter how enticing they might seem. IN FACT, we must not molest even the most tempting of boychilds. Why? Because molesting is wrong. And although you might argue that the Greeks loved many a prepubescent wonderboy, my sick and delirious reader, I may take it upon myself to argue that the Greeks also visited many a vometorium to purge themselves of their atrocious ways. Next time you see that duck parading around in the skimpiest of outfits, refrain from unbuttoning your drawers, and lordo oh lord, please also refrain from unbuttoning their's.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


had to do a shoot yesterday for something in norway. it was fun. only got to snag a couple photos on my phone. so here they are. since when did kevin become a cool guy you ask? well, my friends (in john mccain's nasaly obnoxious voice), when he decided that he ought to get paid and eat free delicious food for doing as little work as possible. I guess it pays off to have orange mocha frappuchino gasoline fights.

The girl's name was nicole. she was super nice. This is us hanging out in the wardrobe trailer like idiots. I sat in this trailer and ate a lot of free food for an hour or so.

Dawn and Ramon would fix our hair every couple minutes. I'm glad my nice tits and great ass could make me a diva. thanks guys.

Here's setup for production.
That's all my gentle minions. until next time.

Monday, April 20, 2009

first post/yeti has gained control of my blog

OK here's the moment you've all been waiting for! (by that i mean my one humble follower... billy) Anyways, let me get to the point my lowly peasants and peons and potential piles. I figured I'd start this blog, PILING WITH PROS, with pictures of the one and only mythical snowbeast YETI, or as I like to call her, Yeticus Maximus XIII, esq.I 'll update this thing a bunch now, and will upload tens of thousands of crappy highlife-livin photos of my friends and me. Basically, that means I'll show you a bunch of photos you probably wish you hadn't looked at, and you'll think a little less of me. But hey, i have no decency or dignity anyways. On with the show!