Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's been way too long since i've updated. So, my fellow nerdtron blogspot followers, get ready to hold onto your blasterpacks and soar into the world of a wannabe. I have a lot of pictures to put up and stories to tell, so I'll start with the most recent and backtrack. A camera's like a time travel device, flux capacitor and all.

Yesterday Jasmine asked me if I wanted to go to Warped Tour and watch Bad Religion . I immediately said yes with a giant smile (because if i didn't, my adolescent self would've run up and swiftly kicked me in the shins... all the while singing every lyric from recipe for hate and stranger than fiction). We drove over to Natalia Fabia's house to swoop up her and her boyfriend Jay. Jay just so happens to play bass in Bad Religion, so he pulled some strings, beat up a few babies, and held a gun to the tour manager until she let us in free of charge and adorned our wrists with VIP bands.

My inner 16 year old was gleaming with glee, radiating with radiant vibrant sunrays sent from the heavens above. My outer 23 year old was even more excited. And why is that, you might ask? Jasmine, Natalia, and I spent most of the day hanging around the tour bus drinking whatever elixers we could -- usually in the form of Budweisers or HonestTea and Grey Goose. (There were two bottles of jaegermeister conveniently placed on the foldup chair waiting for takers, but none of us hated our lives as of that point, so we refrained... Natalia, however, decided she wanted to hate her life later on and put one in her purse for later. Oh dreaded nights spent hovering the white porcelain toilet bowl, you shall haunt Natalia from now on)

On to the point! Gally HO!

Fat Mike from NOFX asked if we wanted to watch TSOL play, so we parted through the middle of the crowd. Upon entering the sea of Pomona folk, I noticed a distinct dichotomy of tribal tattooed bros clad in white baseball caps sprinkled with a hint of white arnett sunglasses on top and 14 year old raggedy Wassup Rockers -- I would've run with the latter in my adolescent hayday.

Stageside, I spotted the girls from the terrible "band" Millionaires and mistook them as pigs entering the feeding trough. Why anybody would support those heffer whores is beyond me. I'd sooner learn David Carradine's methods of auto-erotic asphyxiation than stick my weewee in those girls or let them stick their cd in my player.

We got to the stage too early or too late and missed TSOL. Looks like I'll blame the Millionaires for that one -- not that they actually caused me to miss the set, but because I'd rather blame somebody other than myself. Responsibility is a hard road to walk... ask Camus or Sartre.

With nobody left to play for 2 hours that we cared about, we rushed back to the tour bus to make more magical concoctions until it was time to rush on stage to watch Bad Religion play. All I have to say about the show is this: Jay did a full step bend on a bass line in Infected and sounded pretty sweet. Yes, they played well. Yes, they can still rock for mid-lifers. Yes, they played old songs! But YES OH YES! GOD YES! Jay bent the string!

I ended the evening with yellow curry and pad thai from the ever-delicious Thai Patio. I'll put pictures up when I'm less lazy or more motivated - whatever comes first. Good bye my fellow coca-cola drinking, mcdonald's eating corporate slaves.

1 comment:

  1. 1. you're so cool!
    2. please post more, i absolutely love your style of writing!
